The Iowa Illinois Nebraska STEM Partnership for Innovation in Research and Education (IINSPIRE) welcomes proposals for the IINSPIRE LSAMP 2018-’19 Annual Conference taking place at the Scheman Building at Iowa State Center in Ames, IA on February 1-2, 2019.
The annual conference will include various events for students, faculty, staff, and professionals throughout the alliance network, such as:
- Sessions on STEM education, diversity, and student success
- Undergraduate research poster session
- Research and industry fair highlighting upcoming internship opportunities for undergraduate students
- Career development workshops for students
- Faculty and staff professional development workshops on pedagogy and mentoring
- Networking for students, faculty, staff, and professionals
IINSPIRE seeks session proposals that address a range of topics supporting the following conference theme: Navigating Pathways for STEM Student Success
Navigating Pathways for STEM Student Success requires students, institutions, and communities to utilize and organize pathway resources around STEM student success.
As students, graduates, and working professionals look back upon how they arrived in their current position (or “destination”) with STEM pathways vary greatly. Many factors play into the formation of student pathways including individual student characteristics, environmental and cultural factors, community and institutional resources and climate, student/professional motivation and priorities, and the degree to which pathways are clearly defined and articulated (is there a “roadmap?”).
Session topics around this theme might include:
- Institutional or system approaches for building pathways to STEM student success;
- Individual stories or approaches for navigating pathways to STEM student success;
- Student strategies and skill development for navigating and forging pathways to STEM student success;
- Undergraduate research programs that blend STEM research with a comprehensive approach to STEM student pathway development and success;
- Strategies and programs such as STEM bridge programs, learning communities, academic support services, TRiO programs, transfer transition programs, undergraduate research experiences, and mentoring that lead to STEM pathway success; and
- Mathematics interventions which lead to STEM pathway completion and success
- Culturally relevant STEM education research that illuminates individual and systemic STEM pathway approaches and informs practice
Session Length: Sessions are typically 50 minutes long.
- Title
- Abstract of 200 words or less to be used in the conference program
- Describe how you plan to engage the audience in your topic including participant interaction, discussion, and planning leading to individual learning and/or action
- Presenter(s) information:
- Name(s) as it should appear in the program
- Institution or organization
- Job title or academic classification (faculty, graduate, undergraduate, etc.)
- If graduate or undergraduate student, the faculty advisor’s name
- Department or major
- Contact information (email address and phone number)
Undergraduate students are welcome to submit proposals or session ideas. To submit session ideas, please click here.
The deadline to submit proposals is Friday, November 30, 2018.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by Thursday, December 20, 2018.
Contact: Danielle Mitchell
(515) 294-6151