All IINSPIRE LSAMP research interns and members are invited to give an oral poster presentation and/or present a research or experiential poster. The poster session is also open to other students as well.
Students Poster Guidelines
Posters size should not exceed 3′ x 4′.
If you received funding through the IINSPIRE LSAMP Program to support your research experience or internship. Your poster MUST include:
Reference Materials
Use the following reference materials to aid in the construction and design or your oral or poster presentations.
Judging Rubrics
Conference judges will be using the following rubrics to score your oral or poster presentation. To increase your chances of winning the oral or poster competition, meet as many of the components as possible.
Experiential Poster Guidelines
If you are presenting an experiential poster, refer to the Experiential Poster Instructions and Poster Layout Examples to help you design your experiential poster. Several examples of winning posters are provided below.
Hydro Beans: Active Learning of the Scientific Method
Erik Zorilla, Upper Iowa University
The Effect of Temperature on the Regeneration Rate of Planaria
Dwayne Emsweller, Upper Iowa University
Contact: Dani Mitchell
(515) 294-6151